For trees to be healthy they must have sufficient soil, water and sunlight. They also must be properly planted and properly pruned. When these conditions aren't met it's usually unlikely that traditional fertilizer or pesticide applications will improve their health.
Spraying a tree canopy with pesticides is especially difficult because of the overspray that results. Attempts to spray a tree may only leave 50% of the material on the tree. The rest of it falls to the ground or is carried by the wind. This can be a potential hazard as well as being very inefficient.
Trees with healthy root systems often need little or no fertilizer beyond what is provided to the surrounding landscape. However, in our urban and suburban environments tree roots often don't function well for a variety of reasons. Trees are often planted too deep in the soil resulting in a compromised root system. Lack of sufficient irrigation in the first year of transplanting results in poor establishment and a compromised root system. Trees planted in narrow parking lot islands are asked to grow in poor soil of limited quantity. Because their roots aren't functioning properly they do not respond well to fertilizer applications to the soil.
This is where microinjection treatments may be beneficial. By injecting either pesticide or nutrients directly into the tree's vascular system we can manage pest populations without spraying and fertilize trees without depending on root function. The most common uses that we have found for microinjection have been for Magnolia trees and Oak trees.
Magnolia trees are commonly afflicted with Magnolia White Scale and Tulip Scale that are especially difficult to manage through spraying. Systemic insecticides can be transported to the leaves without spraying and are far more effective.
Oak trees can exhibit yellow leaves or sparse canopy due to poor soil or poor root function. Microinjection of fertilizer delivers minerals to the tree through its trunk and can sometimes make a dramatic effect in appearance. Experience has shown that this effect can be long lasting also. Microinjections are reasonably priced and in many cases the only way to affect the health of a tree. With both certified pest control operators and certified arborists on staff, we are well qualified to perform these technical treatments. We will let you know when we think that this is the best solution for your tree.